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In the new era of hybrid work, we can expect that many in-person meetings will continue to have a high number of remote participants. That makes clear, reliable meeting room audio more important than ever. And as the checklist below shows, there are a lot of other factors to consider – from minimizing costly installs to simplifying device management.
Getting conventional microphone systems to perform under changing conditions can be complicated and expensive. Nureva audio with patented Microphone Mist™ technology is the easy way to get full-room coverage that picks up voices no matter where people sit, stand or move in the room.
Many conventional systems require instructions or even training for users on how they need to change their meeting room behaviors (where they sit, which way they face, not talking at the same time, etc.) to ensure their voices are heard by remote participants. Nureva audio lets team members act and converse naturally so they can get on with their meetings.
Getting proper microphone coverage in large or open spaces with conventional audio systems can be difficult and expensive. With Nureva audio, just two microphone and speaker bars provide complete coverage in spaces up to 30' x 50' (9.1 x 15.2 m) – for a fraction of the cost of traditional systems.
If your spaces need to be reconfigured, Nureva audio just adapts. There’s no need to make system adjustments or install new components – continuous autocalibration means the system does the work for you.
Nureva audio is so easy that there’s no need to bring in specialised technicians for installation or adjustments. You hang each Nureva microphone and speaker bar on the wall with two screws in less than an hour, and calibration is automatic.
Some conventional systems require a variety of types of microphones, speakers and other components. And you may have to customise the setup for each room. With Nureva audio, one easy system works for almost any space.
Installing or adjusting complicated conventional audio systems can take up a lot of your valuable time. And then there are the support calls. Nureva audio gives you back the time you need for higher value priorities by reducing implementation complexity while increasing user satisfaction.
The tabletop and single-user mics of some conventional systems get touched a lot. Nureva audio systems hang on the wall so there’s one less thing to sanitise.
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